Så fångas de misstänktas ord. Förhör och dokumentationspraktiker på Skattebrottsenheten: Authors: Byrman, Ylva: Issue Date: 20-Dec-2017: University: Göteborgs universitet. Humanistiska fakulteten University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Arts: Institution: Department of Swedish ; Institutionen för svenska språket: Date of Defence: 2018-01.In this paper we derive a framework for multiscale approximation of elliptic problems on standard and mixed form. The method presented is based on a splitting into coarse and fine scales together with a systematic technique for approximation of the fine scale part, based on the solution of decoupled localized subgrid problems. The fine scale approximation is then used to modify the coarse.
Disposable Piping Bags, 53 cm / 10 The ULTRA Pastry Bag offers a unique anti-slip exterior coating similiar to the texture of a canvas pastry bag. This patented manufacturing process creates an anti-slip textured surface for a fantastic grip and was voted #1 by pastry chefs worldwide and has won international awards.2 CV Stefan K. Lhachimi November 2015 since April 2011 Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC Rotter- dam Continuation of applying, disseminating, and improving DYNAMO-HIA.