Akın AKDAĞ aakdag[at]metu.edu.tr +90 (312) 210 3236 O-212. Research Area Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Boron Chemistry Polymer Chemistry Oxidation Chemistry curie.chem.metu.edu.tr/~aakdag/ Education B.Sc., Middle East Technical University, Chemistry , 1997 M.Sc., Middle East Technical University, Chemistry.tema 31706 pole 29152 veel 27976 kas 26980 mida 26630 välja 26579 juba 114 mõõduka 114 mõjuda 114 muru 114 metsik 114 meeldisid 114 läbimõõt direktorina 34 dimensioone 34 diivan 34 diabeediga 34 detailsemalt 34 beib 21 labased 21 laata 21 küüslauk 21 küünarnuki 21 küsimustikus 21 küsimist .My research interests are at the intersection of plant development and genomics, chromatin biology and epigenetics. The research effort in my group is focused on harnessing transformative genomics technology to understand the genetics of plant development, and to discover how the cooperative roles of DNA methylation, histone modifications, and RNAi function in establishment and maintenance.
“Women’s Subordination in Turkey: Is Islam Really the Villain,” The Middle East Journal, 48/4, Autumn 1994, pp. 645-661. “Impact of Migration Experiences on Gender Roles: Findings of a Field Research in Turkey,” International Migration, 32/4, 1994, pp. 533-560.Home; Videos; About. Our Purpose; Faculty; Strategic Plan; Contact; Programmes. Undergraduate Programme. Introduction to Information Technology; Mathematics for Business.Moved Permanently. The document has moved.